Thursday, October 29, 2009


Friday, October 30th

from 5-8 PM

Come dressed in your costume ready to have a wickedly fun time!!!
PLEASE, no masks of painted faces.

Here are just some of the fun activities:
  • Mummy Races
  • Pumpkin Hole-in-One
  • Fortune Teller
  • Sandy Candy
  • Wicked Witch Toss
  • Cake Walk
  • Mummy Races
  • Mrs. Bubbles Balloons
  • Scary Stories
  • Frankenstein's Lab
  • Scarecrow Throw
Sandy Candy will be available at the "Candy Cauldron" for $2 a tube.

This year we are having a HUGE Monster Mash!!
We have a DJ coming so get ready to dance!

Bring your family and eat dinner at the "Black Cat Diner"
Pizza, Salad, Cookies, Nachos, Cotton Candy, Sodas, and Bottled Water
CASH ONLY PLEASE at the "Black Cat Diner"

We have AWESOME raffle ticket items this year.... Including a 1 night stay for a family of 4 at the "Rockin R Ranch" in Antimony! Includes all meals and activities! A $480 value!!

Plus, back by popular demand, THEMED BASKETS!

Games and activities will range from 2-4 punches
12 Punches - $3.00
20 Punches - $5.00
40 Punches - $10.00

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reflections 2009-2010

Hi everyone! It is that time of year: Reflection Projects!

This year's theme is: Beauty is...

Reflections is a cultural arts program that allows students to express themselves through their art form and be recognized for their skills, originality, and creativity. Students may submit their works in any of the eight art areas:

1-Literature (fiction or non-fiction, poetry and drama)
2-Visual arts (original print, drawing, painting, collage, etc)
3-Music Composition (voice, instruments or a combinations of both)
4-Dance (original choreographed dance)
5-Photography (original black and white or color image, or group of images)
6-Film/Video (original works of fiction or non-fiction)
7-Theater* (original theater work, individual storytelling, mime, etc)
8-Three Dimensional Artistic Creations (sculpture, jewelry, ceramics, visual arts)
*This is not a National PTA category and recognition will only be given at State level

NOTE: Some teachers require their students have at least one entry, so talk to your child's teacher if you are not sure.
Also, kids can enter as many categories as they want. HOWEVER, they must have a completed form to go along with each entry. Also, each category has its own form. Ask the office for a copy pertaining to the correct category.

: All entries MUST be received by
Monday, November 2, 2009.

If you have questions about what Reflections is, please click here.
If you have specific questions about Reflections at Iron Springs, you can contact Dana Hutchings (for her phone number, email me at )

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Picture Re-Takes

Picture Re-Takes TODAY!
If you would like your picture re-taken then today is the day!
LifeTouch School Portraits will be at Iron Springs today from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
Please call Mrs. Wilson at the school if you have any questions.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Please come and support our Arts Program.
TIME: 6 - 7:00 pm ....only 1 hour of your time.
PLACE: Our School.... Iron Springs Elementary... very easy to get to!
FOOD: There will be a light refreshment of Cookies & punch - FREE!
REASON: Because we all love our ARTS PROGRAM

Friday, October 2, 2009

Parent Night
Friends of Art Works for Kids
Advocacy Event in Iron County
Please join us October 8 at Iron Springs Elementary for the Friends of Art Works for Kids parent night for Iron Springs, North and Escalante Valley elementary schools. We need your help to save the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program in schools across the state. Click here to RSVP.
Due to budget constraints, this arts education program will be cut at the end of the school year unless the Utah Legislature approves continued funding. During the event you will learn about this essential arts program and what you can do to show your support, followed by student performances and art work displays.
Students from Iron Springs Elementary, North Elementary and Escalante Valley Elementary will be represented during this event.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Iron Springs Elementary
255 North 4050 West
Cedar City, UT 84720