Friday, October 24, 2008

Ribbon Week

Hi! I know I announced red ribbon week already, and then deleted that post because I found out that Red Ribbon Week was moved. It is now Monday, October 27 through Friday, October 31.

Dressing up each day helps students learn about drugs an reminds them of their own pledge against drugs and violence.

MONDAY - "Turn your back on drugs and violence" Wear your clothes backwards

TUESDAY - "Living drug free is NO sweat!" Wear seats

WEDNESDAY - "SHADE our drugs and Violence" Wear sunglasses

THURSDAY - "Give drugs and violence the SLIP" Wear slippers

FRIDAY - "Use your HEAD, don't do drugs" Wear hats and red and purple

Please remind your children that there is to be no crazy hair or crazy hair coloring.

Coloring Contest
Poster Contest
Pledge Sheets
Paper Chain Pledge
Age appropriate assemblies presented by our Cedar City DARE Officers.

Thank you for your support!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Celeste, this is Anna DeMille, I'm just wondering, is our school participating in the Kung-Fu Panda showing that came out on the national PTA email?

I Love Food said...

I think so, I need to ask Jennifer. :-)